The Country Wife (1974)
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Revision as of 16:20, 3 June 2019 by Dave Hollander (Talk | contribs)

Poster by Poster Designer
Produced & designed by James Morgan
Performances: Sun 1st – Sat 7th December 1974, Theatre
Text about the play
- Horner - Raymond Jones
- Harcourt - Robert Holden
- Dorilant - Geoffrey Keep
- Pinchwife - John Lyne
- Margery, his wife - Christine Wilson
- Alithea, his sister - Janet Blackley
- Sparkish - Brian Scoltock
- Sir Jasper Fidget - Dennis Packham
- Lady Fidget - Ann Mattey
- Mrs Dainty Fidget - Anne Peterson
- Mrs Sqeamish - Hazel Edwards
- Old Lady Squeamish - Constance Hunt
- Quack - Tony Dunsdon
- Lucy - Jean Worboyes
- Boy - Rolf Hawkins
- Production Assistant - Paul Beech
- Stage Manager - Iris Lenny
- Assisted by - Lesley Wilde, Marian Murphy, Sonia Burke, Sheila Rees, Rachel Eyres
- Set Construction - Donald North
- Sound - Brian Playford
- Lighting - Keith Walmsley
- Wardrobe - Edward Johnson, Hilda Coulden
- Front of House Manager - Helen Boutall
- Box Office Manager - Frank Howcutt
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also