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[[Category:Bell Theatre Productions|Transit Of Venus (1984), The]]
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[[Category:Reviewed by the media|Transit Of Venus (1984), The]]

Revision as of 18:13, 29 April 2009

Poster by Poster Designer

by Ken Lucas

Directed by Ken Lucas

Performances: Sat 17th & Sun 18th November 1984, Prompt Corner


The second half of a double bill with "Ritual for Dolls".




Ken Lucas had previously presented his "Transit of Venus" in the Prompt Corner as a rehearsed reading. Now we saw it enacted in full production under the author's direction. The mannner of the play was stylish and elegant, but I found the point of the play elusive.

It is 1977, when the Astronomer Royal, Neville Makelyne, was recording celestial observations with his assistant Will Price. The plot deals with the relationship between Will and Clarissa, widow of his brother who was drowned at sea. I was puzzled that Maskelyne should have so elequently urged his assistant to marry his deceased brother's wife, surely an illegal act in those days.

But the play was delivered with great panache, with scenes of low life convincingly played by Geoff Munday and Paul Valleau and the events at the observatory tensely performed by Julia Thompson as Clarissa, Maskelyne and his assistant by Jonathan Lewis and Quentin Cobby, utterly transformed from the first play and giving full value.

Donald Madgwick, the Croydon Advertiser - reprinted in SCENE with permission.


Reminiscences and Anecdotes

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See Also

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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.



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