For the Love of the Nightingale (1991)

Directed by Brenda Meldrum
Performances: Tue 5th – Sat 9th March 1991, Bell Theatre
Timberlake Wertenbaker takes the ancient Greek myth of Philomela and weaves around it such questions as the futility of war, the position of women in society, the oppression of the weak by the strong and the violence that can errupt when, under censorship and suppression people are prevented from questioning the powerful.
A joint Prompt Corner youth Theatre and Bell Theatre Production.
- Philomele, Pandion's younger daughter - Zoe Bishop
- Procne, Pandion's Elder daughter - Kait Feeney
- Tereus, King of Thrace - Keefe Browning
- Niobe, Procne's nurse - Frances Walker
- Pandion, King of Athens - John Pole
- Queen, Pandion's wife and Echo - Lorraine Spenceley
- Captain/Theseus - Mike Cooper
- Male Chorus 1/Hippolytus - Pascal Smart
- Male Chorus 2/Male Chorus - Stephen Brown
- Hero/Female Chorus - Charlotte Smith
- Helen?Aphrodie - Eleanor Hall
- Iris/Nurse - Cheo Rhodes
- June/Phaedra - Louise Hopkins
- First soldier - Tom Humpage
- Second Soldier - John Panteli
- Itys, Tereus' & Procne's Son - Freddie Smith
- Stage Manager - Val Williams
- Assistant Stage Managers - Pat Laban, Thomas Williams & Oliver Maltman
- Lighting - Lisa Tobin
- Disign - Alan Buckman
- Set - Alan Buckman & Keefe Browning
- Costumes - Val Williams
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See Also
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