After Juliet (2005)
From sltarchive
Revision as of 22:10, 27 August 2009 by (Talk)

Poster by Kester Hynds
Directed by Elaine Heath
Performances: Tue 6th – Sat 10th September 2005, Bell Theatre
Text about the play
- Roslind, Juliet's Cousin - Jenny Travell
- Livia, Rosaline's half sister, Juliet's cousin - Sere Ogunsanya
- Alice, Juliet's Cousin - Francesca Wilson
- Bianca, Helen's sister, Juliet's cousin, suffers from petit mal - Ella Rigny/Gabriella Curry
- Helena - Siobham Campbell/Flora Baker
- Rhona -a visitor from the north, Juliet's cousin - Rita Goodhead/Asha Reid
- Gianni, older brother of Lorenzo - Kester Hynds
- Lorenzo, brother of Gianni - Tom Bucher
- Angelica, Juliet's nurse - Elaine Heath
- Petruccio, Tybalt's brother - Steve Rodgers
- Luciana, friend of the Capulets - Lucy Patrick
- Benvolio, Romeo's best friend - Sam Freeman
- Valentine, Mercutio's twin brother - Kevin Monk
- TV Camerawoman - Lucy Patrick
- TV Anchorman - Donald Emerson
- PA/Driector's Right hand - Steve Imrie
- Stage Manager - Jess Osorio
- Lighting Design - Chris Liddle & Stuart Draper
- Lighting Operator - Chris Liddle
- Sound Design - James Denny & Elaine Heath
- Sound Operator - James Denny
- Set Design - Elaine Heath, Steve Imrie & James Denny
- Set Construction - Elaine Heath, Steve Imrie, James Denny & the Cast
- Graffiti Artists - Simon Sharville & Alex Tomb
- Fight Co-ordinator - Anton Krause
- Warm up captain - Steve Rodgers
Some review quotes go here
- IMG 0706.jpg
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.