New Directors' Showcase (2002)

Performances: Tue 7th - Sat 11th May 2002, Bell Theatre
The New Directors' Showcase featured 2 contrasting one-act productions.
The Cagebirds
Directed by Directors' Name
This classic oneact offering by playwright David Campton captures, in one extraordinary moment in time, the surreal existence of seven ladies The Cagebirds- Kept in a secure and controlled environment by The Mistress the already fragile lifestyle of the birds is interrupted and threatened by the introduction into their midst of The Wild One.
The destiny of The Wild One rests not only in the hands of The Mistress, but with the six existing cohabiting birds: The Regular Thump, The LongTongued Gossip, The Great Guzzler, The Constant Twitting, The MirrorEyed Gazer and The Medicated Gloom. Frustration, anger, sadness and much humour weave through this play leading, ultimately, to an inevitable but unexpected outcome.
- The Mistress - Christine Theophilus
- The Wild One - Sarah Owen
- The Regular Thump - Maggie Kruger
- The LongTongued Gossip - Kellie LaBelle
- The Great Guzzler - Helen Morris
- The Constant Twitting - Deirdre Jackson
- The MirrorEyed Gazer - Kara Tobin
- The Medicated Gloom - Ingrid Palm
The Monkey's Paw
Adapted from a short story by W W Jacobs
Directed by Directors' Name
IT is a cold and stormy night in the late 1940s. Mr and Mrs White and their son Herbert are waiting in the kitchen for their good friend, Sergeant-Major Morris, to arrive for dinner. When he finally arrives he has an unexpected present: a monkey's paw - is it just a good luck charm or something far more sinister?
Crew (for both shows)
- Stage Manager - ???
- Lighting Design - ???
- Sound Design - ???
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
Have there been other SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.