Enjoy (2012)

by Alan Bennett
Directed by Simon Holland
Performances: 8pm, Tue 21th – Sat 25th February 2012, Prompt Corner
In this dark comedy, Connie and Wilfred Craven are a working-class couple who are about to be re-housed. They have a son and daughter, but they seem incapable of describing them accurately. As their lives are studied, later to be recreated in a Heritage Park, their current world is dismantled around their ears, in more than one sense.
- Connie Craven- Caroline Doyle
- Wilfred Craven - Matthew Lyne
- Linda Craven - Holly Patrick
- Ms Craig - Daniel Kelly
- Heritage/ Anthony - Jamie Oliphant
- Mrs Clegg - Jan Horne
- Adrianne - Siobhan Campbell
- Gregory / Sid - David Clements
- Harman - Simon Gleisner
- Rowland - (TBC)
- Director - Simon Holland
- PA to Director - Nia Jones
- Production Assistant - Tatty Hennessy
- Stage Manager - Siobhan Campbell
- Deputy Stage Manager - David Clements
- Assistant to Stage Managers - TBC
- Set Designer - TBC
- Lighting Designer - Mark Davies
- Sound Designer - Simon Holland & TBC
- Operator - TBC
- Costume Designer - Lisa Thomas
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
Have there been other SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.