You're a Good Man Charlie Brown (2011)

by Clark Gesner
Directed by Lisa Thomas
Musical Director - Pete Coombs
Performances: Bell Theatre
Based on the beloved Peanuts cartoon strip, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown is based on an average day in the life of everyman character Charlie Brown, consisting of small moments picked from a range of situations in his life, from Valentine's Day to the baseball season, from wild optimism to utter despair, all mixed in with the lives of his friends (both human and non-human) and strung together through the course of a single day, from bright uncertain morning to hopeful starlit evening.
- Charlie Brown - Matt Hudson
- Lucy van Pelt - Claire McEvoy
- Linus van Pelt - Adam Crook
- Sally Brown - Donna Marie Ward
- Schroeder - Stewart McGhee
- Snoopy - Charles Doyle
- Piano and Keyboard - Pete Coombs
- Keyboards, Bass Guitar, Accordion - Daniel Kelly
- Saxaphone, Oboe, Recorder, Flute - Michelle Thomson
- Violin - Penny Langton
- Accoustic Bass - Ray Samuels
- Drums and Percussion - Elena Christie and Stephanie Urquhart
- Assistant Director - Stephanie Urquhart
- Director of Choreography - Brendan Murphy
- Stage Manager - Gavin Parker
- Assistant Stage Manager - Siobhan Campbell
- Lighting Designer - Jenny Harris
- Sound Effects - Adam Crook
- Lighting & Sound Operator - Kathryn Ramsay
- Scenic Artist - Hazel Hindle
- Set and Costumes - Cast & Crew
- Photos - Mark Davies
The cast and crew would like to thank the following people and organisations who have helped with this show: Sarah and Rob at The Hope and St Luke's Church for rehearsal space; Catherine Ellis for rehearsal time; David Ward, manager of the Croydon Pirates baseball team for baseball gear; Gary for Woodstock; Naomi Liddle for Snoopy's dog collar; Amy Smith for help with props and audience testing, bar and box office staff, Theatre Committee, cast and crew of 84 Charing Cross Road (2011) and Breathing Corpses (2011).
Catherine Ellis
I really enjoyed this tonight - it's silly and there isn't much plot to speak of - more a long series of vignettes and some "scenes" that are pretty much just one-liners. However, it's also slick and energetic with wonderful performances from both the actors and the band. No weak links (except perhaps the tabs hee hee). Guaranteed to leave you with a warm heart and a smile on your face. I know the weekend dates are selling pretty fast but hear there's quite a few tickets left for tomorrow. Snap em up - this show deserves good audiences.
One small point though - I would have liked to see Snoopy with a black nose
Jenny McLaughlin
On behalf of myself and the MiniMacs - thank you for a wonderful evening. I could witter on about how much I enjoyed it... lovely singing from all, superb characterisation, a live band on stage, a true slice of happiness and sunshine at the end of a long, wet summer... but instead, here's Aurora's words: "This was the best play I have ever seen. It was funny, and fun and all of the characters were completely right. It was perfect." If we were free tomorrow, we would be back for the matinee in a heart-beat, and we would bring friends.
Enjoy the end of the run - and thank you all x
Jess Osorio
I loved this show - great send off for 3 weeks away from SLT All equally brilliant, musicians and actors alike. Enjoy last two shows and party! Much congratulations to Lisa and Brendan, and MD!
Induja Bandara
Thank you all for a delightful uplifting show last night! Was very impressed by the perfect singing, your energy, spot on costumes and the colourfullness of the whole thing. Welcome to Claire, whose Lucy stole the show for me! What fab expressions and comic timing. Also I hope the musicians get a bow today. Enjoy your last two shows all. love Induja XXXXXXX (extra one for Clair/Clare)
Kay George
I too really enjoyed last night's peformance, it is a joy to have a musical at SLT, one can feel the buzz from both audience and cast. Sheer enjoyment. Often fun is needed rather than in depth theatre!! This was theatre. I wouldn't like to single out any one in particular as everyone had obviously put their guts into the show, the music was excellent and varied, the cast were all in their own forte true performers, the comedy was enchanting, the props and stage management worked a treat, (I want to do a kite!!) lighting and sound were spot on, tight direction, so apt costumes and mannerisms all made for a show we will mention in the bar for some time to come. Thank you for a good night out.
Mrs D
Just wanted to say a massive congratulations to the director, cast, crew and musicians on this fantastic production. I was incredibly impressed by the musical talent displayed by the great musicians. I mean the number of instruments some people were playing was amazing. I saw a Snoopy production down by embankment a few years back and I can honestly say I preferred the SLT production last night. I thought Chaz's Snoopy was brilliant. The costumes were great as was the beautiful set. Well done to everyone involved. It was great to be back down at the theatre and even better to see something that left me with a big Snoopy 'face to the sky' smile on my face.
Kay Anderson
Just had to say what a fantastic show you all put on yesterday afternoon - my children loved it and I had a huge smile on my face for the rest of the day! Not going to mention anyone in particular as all had spot on characterisations and the singing, dancing, music and slick scene changes couldn't be faulted. On the other hand the great props and remote control piano do deserve a special mention! Well done everyone and thanks again - I hope you all had a thoroughly decent after show party. Kay x
The below is a captioned selection. All are copyright Mark Davies
Snoopy (Chaz Doyle) and Linus (Adam Crook)
Charlie Brown (Matt Hudson), Lucy (Claire McEvoy) and Snoopy (Chaz Doyle)
Charlie Brown (Matt Hudson)
Sally (Donna-Marie Ward), Charlie Brown (Matt Hudson) and Lucy (Claire McEvoy)
Schroeder (Stewart McGhee) and Lucy (Claire McEvoy)
Linus (Adam Crook) and Sally (Donna-Marie Ward)
Snoopy (Chaz Doyle)
Snoopy (Chaz Doyle)
Schroeder (Stewart McGhee)
Linus (Adam Crook) and blanket
Linus (Adam Crook)
Lucy (Claire McEvoy) and Linus (Adam Crook)
Sally (Donna-Marie Ward) and her coat-hanger sculpture
Charlie Brown (Matt Hudson) and the kite
Schroeder (Stewart McGhee) and Sally (Donna-Marie Ward)
Snoopy (Chaz Doyle) and Charlie Brown (Matt Hudson)
Snoopy (Chaz Doyle): I'll get you Red Baron!
Schroeder (Stewart McGhee) and Sally (Donna-Marie Ward)
Lucy (Claire McEvoy) - a crabby person?
Charlie Brown (Matt Hudson) and Lucy (Claire McEvoy) - the crabbiness questionnaire
Lucy (Claire McEvoy) - the truth
Snoopy (Chaz Doyle), Sally (Donna-Marie Ward) and Lucy (Claire McEvoy): Suppertime!
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
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