Bang, You're Dead! (2008)
by Paul Reakes
Directed by Lee Ridgeway
Performances: Tuesday 5th to Saturday 9th August 2008, Bell Theatre
'Bang' You're Dead! is set in the living room of the Spink's house. Whilst awaiting the arrival of Theo and his prudish secretary Miss Trim, Theo's wife, Lydia and her boyfriend Marcus rehearse the murder of Theo which they are to commit later that evening. When the victim and "perfect witness" arrive all goes beautifullly according to plan except that Marcus kills Lydia instead and Miss Trim faints at the crucial moment. A ghastly mistake or are there some clever deviations from the original plot. In reality Marcus is Theo's boyfriend and Lydia is the intended victim all along. As for Miss Trim, she is not above a little play acting of her own and can surpress a scruple or two with regard to blackmail when marriage to the wealthy Theo is the prize.
- Stage Manager - Rachel Lovegrove
- Set Design - Charles Doyal
- Lighting Design - Designer Name
- Lighting Operator - Operator Name
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