Hamlet - The Murder Mystery (2002)
adapted from William Shakespeare
Directed by Liam Campbell
Performances: Thu 16th – Sat 18th May 2002, Prompt Corner
Everyone has an idea or a thought about the story of Hamlet, and if we're really honest, very few of us actually understand the hidden twists and turns of this complex tragedy.
The combined efforts of the South London Theatre Youth Groups will attempt to simplify the story, utilising a child friendly version of the script as its base.
Hamlet - The Murder Mystery looks at the play in such a way as to inform - but mainly to entertain. This allows the children a modicum of freedom to experiment with Shakespeare, as it were.
Our Hamlet is set in the trenches of 1917. A daunting task for adult actors, you might say, but in my experience in working with youth theatre children are far more talented and adaptable than we often give them credit for.
In honesty, our Hamlet may not appeal to those Shakespeare purists who enjoy every single word the great man wrote. However, as a chance for children ranging in age from 7 to 14 to experience the joy of performing such a wonderful work, it can only be a success. <ref>Director's note from the main SLT site.</ref>
- Hamlet - Ciaran Whelan
- Ophelia - Olivia Pavone
- Horatio - Donal Emmerson
- Claudius - Rodney Williams
- Gertrude - Siobhan Campbell
- Polonius - Clementine Marlowe-Hunt
- Laertes - Lily Magenis
- Inspector Morse - Jai Campbell
- Sargent Stripes-Declan Whelan
- Rosencrantz - Hector Plimmer
- Guildernstern - Fabio De Silva
- Marcellus - Anna Schmidt
- Barnardo - Lisa Mulhern
- Priest - Elliot Bartick
- Gravedigger - David Clements
- Ophelia's Post - Siobhan Emerson
- Lady In Waiting - Frances Jones
- 1st Clown - Sean Spicer
- 2nd Clown - Richard Maddy
- 1st Actor - Siobhan Emmerson
- 2nd Actor - Katie Fox
- 3rd Actor - Sophie King
- Osrick - Isobel Searle
- Fortinbras - David Clements
- Ghost - Rodney Williams
- Director - Liam Campbell
- Producer - Stuart Draper
- PA to Director - Pat Laban
- ASMs - Kat Moody, Kirsty Hedditch, Ruth Langton and Anna York
- Set Design - Liam Campbell
- Sound Design - Christopher Vian-Smith
- Sound Effects - Brian Fretwell and Andrew Rickinson
- Costume - Val Williams
- Stage Manager - Stacy Joyce
- Lighting Design - Stuart Draper
- Lighting Operator - Emma Connelly
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
The show that went a long way to reviving the fortunes of the (then) slightly flagging youth theatre. We were down to about six members in each group. Someone dropped out of the May slot and I approached the relevant peeps to see if the youth group could have it (they hadn't done a proper piece for some time). 'But we don't HAVE a youth group was my reply.' I pointed out that if we did a play and advertised, we would get kids in. We did - and we did.
See Also