Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (2022)

by Chaz Doyle
Directed by Lewis Carroll adapted by Chaz Doyle
Performances: Tue 26th – Sat 30th July 2022, Old Fire Station
The play is set in Wonderland. Clearly. At some point in the 1980's. It is a twist on the Lewis Carroll classic; all your favourites are there, even if you don't recognise them at first.
- Alice - Honor Petitt
- Caterpillar / Rose - Jenny McLaughlin
- Frog / Fish Messenger - Lydie Koritsas
- Mock Turtle / Violet / Club - Kim Goldsmith
- Dodo / Club - Patrycja Ozguven
- Dormouse / Seven of Spades / Caterpillar - Bryon Fear
- King of Hearts - Mitchell Labiak
- White Rabbit - Gabriel Nicklin
- Cheshire Cat - Adam Crook
- March Hare / Caterpillar - Isobel Brooker
- Gryphon / Caterpillar - Kelly-Kim Clements
- Lily / Caterpillar / Prince Charming - Kornelia Adelajda
- Mad Hatter - Konstantinos Pavlidis
- Queen of Hearts - Bel Odawa
Youth Cast One (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
- Mouse / Club - Marie Scriven
- Crab / Two - Emma Cooper
- Pigeon / Five - Naomi Bootle
- Eaglet / Six - Elspeth Lewis
- Lory / Eight - Archie Vernon-Smith
Youth Cast Two (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday)
- Mouse / Club - Sophie Callender
- Crab / Two - Soairse Gilmartin
- Pigeon / Five - Elizabeth Mourinho Félix
- Eaglet / Six - Anniah Beckles
- Lory / Eight - Also Miller Mirza
- Stage Management - Siobhan Campbell, Eleanor Walker & Caroline Durant
- Lighting Designer - Designer Name
- Operator - Noah Wright
- Costume - Melanie Boyce
- Additional costume - Lisa Thomas & Caroline Doyle
- Hair & Makeup - Lily Ann Green
- Projections - Bryon Fear
- Set Design - Rebecca Vincent
- Masks - Tim Barnard & Anna Rubincam
- Rigging - Sean Thomas
- Additional Music - Gerard Johnson
- Assistant Director - Anna Callender
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Phil Gammon
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
Have there been other SLT/SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.