A Song At Twilight (2022)

by Noël Coward
Performances: Tuesday 8 – Saturday 12 November 2022, Old Fire Station
This bittersweet comedy, Coward’s last play from 1966, is the story of a cosmopolitan author caught in his declining years between two women, one being his wife of convenience for twenty years, the other, one of his former loves. The former flame produces some old love letters which she is about to turn over to a biographer, and the blackmail ensues….
- Sir Hugo Latymer - Simon Gleisner
- Carlotta Gray - Audrey Lindsay
- Lady Hilde Latymer - Kanan Barot
- Felix Fasana / Perry Sheldon - Robert Clarkson
- Fanny - Frankie Saunders
- Stage Manager - Cherie Koh
- Assistant Stage Manager - Frankie Saunders
- Lighting Designer - Bryon Fear
- Operator - Sarah Farage
- Sound Design - Andrew Rickinson
- Set Design - Carole Ironside
- Set Construction - Barry Heselden, Sean Thomas, Daniel Kelly, Leon Chambers, Chris Hall, Carole Ironside, Cal Beckett, Jess Osorio, Mark Ireson, John Winters
- Costume - Sonia Sookhan
- Pianist - Andrew Chadney
- Assistant Director - Fiona Daffern
- Production Photography - Phil Gammon
I was taking snaps at the dress rehearsal for Song At Twilight yesterday evening. This is a fantastic show - funny, poignant, brilliant performances, totally mesmerising. Don't miss it!
Phil Gammon
A Song at Twilight is a Coward I have never heard of, let alone read, but very glad to have been introduced to it. It’s a classic tale of the past coming back to haunt you and has all the wit and barbed exchanges you would expect from one of our greatest wordsmiths. Strong performances with some lovely directorial touches makes this a welcome debut by Doug. Considering the historical context at the time it was penned, A Song at Twilight was a considerably brave piece for Coward to have written.
Also, I loved how the show spills out into the box office … nice touch!
Bryon Fear
Totally loved the show tonight. Great piece of theatre and a great SLT directorial debut for Doug R. Dunn Wonderful characters and Coward wit - well done to the whole cast and crew. Have a great run and Phil Gammon was not wrong
Charlotte Benstead
This is the third play I have seen after being bought annual membership by a friend and every time I visit I am left with the anticipation of seeing my next SLT production. Everything about tonight’s show was just sublime - the acting, the direction and Felix’s singing. I’m glad I chose not to wear mascara this evening!
Melly Jay Bee
I came to see “Song at Twilight” on Wednesday 8th November & it was excellent, so please pass on my congratulations to everyone involved with this production, but of course a special mention must be given to all the cast, they were brilliant!!! A most entertaining play & evening, performed, acted, directed & produced so very well, many thanks!!!
Chris Bartlett (via email)
Well done Twilight cast and crew proving that the show must and will go on despite the gremlins!
Special mention for operator Sarah who did her best and didn't panic and director Doug who still managed to smile!
Hayley Thomas
Brilliant show, very compelling story, ably and convincingly portrayed by the main characters. So much so the problem arising neither detracted nor distracted, and I may have to revisit my take on Coward!
Hans Mudlamootoo
Loved this show, and really well done to the company for getting through the 2nd half tonight. Spoke to Simon afterwards - he reckoned it was the most challenging thing he'd ever done. But it's a credit to him and all of them that the audience were hooked, regardless. Very well done!
Christine Theophilus
Well done to the cast and crew for last night. The show definately went on. I'm not really a fan of Coward but this piece has such a painful and moving message. The performances were great. A perfect balance between comedy and cruelty. Thanks.
Janine Wunsche
Saw the play last night. Really excellent production in all respects. A very good choice of play, it was gripping throughout. Don't miss it.
Chris Stooke
Well done to Dougie and his cast. An intriguing and thought provoking late Coward play.
Lily Ann Green
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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