Gagarin Way (2009)

Directed by Anton Krause
Performances: 8.00, Tue 6th – Sat 10th January, 2009. Prompt Corner 2009, Prompt Corner
Eddie and Gary, two Fife factory workers, plan to kidnap and murder the Japanese envoy of their company’s new multi-national owners, as a political gesture. Killing time by discussing Sartre and Genet, 20th century political and economic history and the appeal of recreational violence, their plans soon go awry when Tom the security guard turns up to collect his hat and Frank, their unwitting victim, turns out to be considerably less Japanese than anticipated.
Premiering at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh in 2001 and moving to the National Theatre “Gregory Burke's blistering, brilliant, crazily confident first play (Guardian)” is in turns darkly hilarious and shockingly violent.
When I first saw this at The National I thought it was one of the funniest plays I had ever seen and I’m looking forward to getting my teeth into some comedy again. Be warned however that it contains very strong language and is not for the faint-hearted or easily offended.
Eddie: Early thirties. A Fife factory worker whose dead-end job and propensity for recreational violence sit unhappily with his wit, intelligence and knowledge of philosophy and political history. But then, as he says ‘It’s amazing what you can day with a library ticket’
Gary: Late thirties – forties. A Fife factory worker, ex-shop steward and would-be political activist. Fed-up of dealing with disputes over pay and overtime he ‘really wanted tay be out there blowing something up’. Stuck in a loveless marriage and having to work three jobs to make ends meet, this abduction serves as a way out – the first thing he’s had to be excited about for years.
Tom: Early twenties. A young graduate, working as a security guard before ‘launching himself into the employment stratosphere’, he takes a bribe from Eddie and Gary to let them into the factory at night thinking they are just stealing computer chips. When he finds himself involved in kidnapping and murder he tries to convince Eddie and Gary that there are alternatives to violence. If only he hadn’t gone back for his hat.
Frank: Fifties. Himself a Fife man, Frank has been living in Surrey for most of his life and has largely lost his accent, although this re-emerges in times of stress. A successful consultant for the multi-national company that owns the factory, his planned fact-finding visit is inconvenienced by his kidnapping and impending death.
Anton Krause
- Tom - Chris Learmonth
- Eddie - Charles Doyle
- Gary - Matthew Lyne
- Frank - Dermot Boyle
- Stage Manager - SM Name
- Lighting Design - Designer Name
- Lighting Operator - Operator Name
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See Also
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