Just a Song at Twilight (1994)

Directed & Designed by John Mead
Performances: Fri 23rd – Sat 25th September (Plus Matinees on 24th & 25th) 1994, Prompt Corner
Part of a double bill with "Blue Remembered Hills". In this play (Just a Song at Twilight) the adults are played by members of the Youth Group thier actual ages are shown. In the scond the children are played by adults, the ages given may have been the actual age of the actors.
The action tkaes place in South London, the long hot summer of 1994. The action takes place in a Rest Home.
- Mrs Barker (84) - Alison Holman (15)
- Miss Pratt (82) - Faye Hamilton (12)
- Miss Hamilton (79) - Kirsty Pirrie (14)
- Nurse (25) - Zoe Purdie (16)
- First Vicar (29) - Peter Daly (13)
- second Vicar (27) - Mark Sammut (15)
- Stage Manager - Emily Sheridan
- P.A. - Sarah Walters
- Lighting - Keefe Browning
- Sound Recording - Brian Fretwell
- Sound Operator - Lisa Van Beveran
- Props - Val Williams
- Costumes - Alan Buckman
- Artwork - Peter Rochford
- Prompt - Ruth Quinn
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.