Daddy's Gone A-Hunting (2001)

by H Connolly
Directed by Keith Borgust
Performances: Tue 5th – Sat 9th June 2001, Bell Theatre
"'Daddy's Gone A-Hunting' by H Connolly taking a more serious look at the effects of extreme emotions, focuses on a typical young family struggling with the demands of parenthood. Like any young couple, Liz and simon have their problems. Quite how far-reaching these are soon becomes apparent as the outside world invades their home and niggling irritations give way to fightening and uncontrollable emotions." Kay Dobby
- Simon - Andy Revel
- Liz - Emma Howcutt
- Rebecca - Denise McAleaney
- Tony - Peter Fortune
- Valerie - Anna York
- Set Design & Construction - Keith Borgust, Adam O'Riley
- Lighting & Sound Design - Brian Fretwell
- Stage Manager - Pat Laban
- Deputy Stage Manager - John McAleaney
- Lighting Operator - Lionel Monks
- Sound Operator - Peter Loftus
- Costumes - The Cast & Val Williams at SLT Wardrobe
- Prompt - Marian Buss
- Fight Direction - Clive Russell
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