Dead Guilty (2002)

Directed by Alan Buckman
Performances: Tue 4th - Sat 8th June 2002, Bell Theatre
Julia is at home, recovering from injuries sustained in a car crash which was caused by her lover, John Hadrell, dying of a heart attack at the wheel. She is being looked after by Gary, her young "Home Help", who seems to be developing some sort of attachment for her. She is also visited by her trauma counsellor, who tries to keep Julia on the right lines. Then Julia is visited by John's widow, Margaret, who appears to know nothing of her husband's affair. Margaret takes over the roles of the other two, engineering Gary's estrangement from Anne. The strange things start happening, and Julia's recovery goes into a decline. What is going on?
- Julia Harris - Emma Hillman
- Anne - Helen Chadney
- Gary - David Green
- Margaret Haddrell - Ronae Snow
- Stage Manager - SM Name
- Lighting Design - Designer Name
- Lighting Operator - Operator Name
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See Also
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