Vanessa Colls
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Revision as of 20:04, 23 February 2010 by (Talk)
Photograph by [[]]
SLT Member 2004 - Present
Acting Roles
- Lady Montague in Romeo and Juliet (2004) (Bell Theatre)
- Elegant Lady in Roberto Zucco (2005) (Bell Theatre)
- Queen Isabella in Fuente Ovejuna (2005) (Bell Theatre)
- Bride of Dracula in The Dracula Spectacula (2005) (Bell Theatre)
- Mrs Bald/Dancer/Mother in Road (2005) (Bell Theatre)
Productions as Director
- Play 1 (1997) (Prompt Corner)
- Play 2 (1998) (Bell Theatre)
- Play 3 (2000) (Bell Theatre)
Productions as Assistant Director
- Fuente Ovejuna (2005) (Bell Theatre) with Jenny Gammon
Productions as Choreographer
- Fuente Ovejuna (2005) (Bell Theatre) with Jenny Gammon