As You Like It (2012)
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Poster by Poster Designer
Performances: Tue 6th – Sat 10th November 2012, Bell Theatre
1599. Simpler times. When a girl could meet a hansome boy, fall in love with him, get kicked out of her house, whack on a false beard, flee to the magical forest of Arden, bump into the boy again, find out he's madly in love with her enough to plaster the whole forest with chuck-making love poetry - but not enough to recognise her under a hastily whacked-on false beard, mess up the lives of some shepherds, pretend to the boy that loves her madly that she's a boy pretending to be her girl self as a barking madwoman in order to cure him of the madness of being in love with her.....well, you get the idea.
- Rosalind – Helen Reid
- Celia – Sarah Peachey
- Orlando – Alex Watts
- Adam – Peter Medd
- Phebe – Fiona Godfrey
- Audrey – Marianne Thompson
- Oliver – John Watson
- Silvius – Ed Smith
- Touchstone – Owen Chidlaw
- Duke Senior – John Irvine
- Duke Frederick – Derek Dempsey
- Charles – Peter Bond
- Jacques – Audrey Helps
- Corin – Jonathan Curry-Machado
- William – Noah Wright
- Assistant Director/ASM – Claire Nicholls
- Musical Dirctoe - Peter Bond
- Choreographer - Laura Yandell
- Set Design – Tom Hancock
- Costume – Rachael Watkins
- Make-up – Francesca Blessley
- Stage Manager – Raffaella Patmore,
- Set Construction - Mark Ireson, Gavin Parker, cast and crew
- Scenic Artist - Hazel Hindle
- Original Music – Peter Bond
- Lighting Design – Jenny Harris
- Sound Design/Operation - Josie Allen
- Poster – Charles Doyle