Edgar Allan Poe (1976)
A One Man Show written and produced by Tony Parkin
Performances: Tue 20th – Sat 24th February Production Year, Prompt Corner
Edgar Allan Poe has been buried alive - he is brought back to life, 'in the spirit'.
Examples of his poetry and a tale follow - then the first Act continues with biography, an excerpt, plus more peoms, ending with his age at 17, and three poems.
In the second half, the biography continues interspersed with excerpts from tales, poems, quotations, letters - all neatly woven together towards a climatic ending and final summing up from Poe's 'spirit'.
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
Have there been other SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.