Cinderella (1981)
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Revision as of 13:09, 2 September 2007 by Brian Fretwell (Talk | contribs)

Poster by Poster Designer
by K.O.Samuel
Directed & Designed by Bruce Murray
Musical Director - Lynn Jenner
Performances: Sat 3rd– Sat 10th & Mon 12th - Sat 17th January 1981, Main Stage
Text about the play
- Cinderella - Gillian Holmes
- Baron Bamboozle - Mike Gabe
- Baroness Bamboozle - Ann Mattey
- Spy - Derek Osbourne
- Cop - Nikki Hogg
- Prince Charming - Jim Clyde
- Dandini - James Grieve
- Bluebell - Charles Cheetham
- Maybelle - Matthew Lyne
- Buttons - John Hartnett
- The Watchman - Dennis Packham
- The Sergeant - Robert Heddon
- Fairy Godmother - Pam Lyne
- The Guide - Caroline Bryant
- The Herald - Charles Nicholls
- Chorus - Su Hands, Matthew jones, Sue Montague, Ranse Howell, Geraldine Tompkins, Charles Nicholls, Sara Rackow, Robert Heddon, Angela McNamee, Denis Packham, Caroline Bryant
- Production Assistant - Margaret Bell
- Stage Manager - Bill Peters
- Assistant Stage Manager - Mike Hall
- Lighting - Roger Taylor, Ann King
- Wardrobe Mistress - Jeanette Hoile
- Costumes - Jeanette Hoile, Rachel Dunican
- Assisted by - Hilda Coulden, Iris Lenny, Ann Williamson, Lynn Jenner, Brigett Buttinger, Kate Bottomore
- Props - Linda Hartnett, Charlotte Hands
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Brian Fretwell
Buttons John Hartnett & Cinderella Gillian Holmes
Fairy Godmother Pam Lyne
Cop Nikki Hogg and Spy Derek Osbourne
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.