Piper (2013)
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Revision as of 00:56, 20 December 2013 by Matthew lyne (Talk | contribs)

Poster by Chaz Doyle
- Performances: Thu 12th – Sat 14th & Tues 17th - Sat 21st December 2013, Bell Theatre
- Matinees: Sat 14th, Sun 15th & Sat 21st
Text about the play
- Luke - Dylan Brewerton-Harper
- Lola LongStocking - Gordon Foggo
- Jack - Malcolm Woodman
- Jill - Annie Harvey
- Jennifer - Victoria Maytom
- Marty - Theseus Stefanatos
- The Duke - Barry Heselden
- Rosie - Marta Konopka
- The Piper - Adam Crook
- Lady Oglinda - Natalie Barker
- The Woman - Siobhan Campbell
- The Man - Noah Wright/Chaz Doyle
- The Narrator - Simon Holland
- The Village People - Andrew Chadney (Chaz Doyle), Rafaella Patmore, Yemisi Yekini, Jake Passmore, Rhiannon Sharkey, Nina Glover
Punk Cast
- Jacob - Louie Amos
- Jemima - Lola Rafferty
- Jasper - Luke Suthren
- Juliet - Polly Dean
- Jerome - Charlie Walker
- Big Tom - Rosa Amos
Metal Cast
- Jacob - Eleanor MacMillan
- Jemima - Tabitha McLachlan
- Jasper - Logan MacMillan
- Juliet - Madeleine Tombleson
- Jerome - Roisin Sharma
- Big Tom - Louie Chapman
Soul Cast
- Jacob - Skye Williams
- Jemima - Lola Brocklehurst Curry
- Jasper - Finley Robertson
- Juliet - Anna Lamacchia
- Jerome - Sesina Mehari
- Big Tom - Ashleigh Curry-Machado
- Assistant Directors - Lauri Morgan, Emma Symes
- Musical Director - Alan Walker
- Choreographer - Emma Symes
- Costumes - Lisa Thomas, SLT Sewing Club, Jenni Chadney
- Lighting Design - Gavin Parker
- Sound Design - Gerard Johnson
- Stage Managers - Rodney Quinn, Francesca Bastiani
- Lighting & Sound Operator - Lee Ridgeway, Rachael Lovegrove
- Show Photography - Phil Gammon
- Set Painting - Hazel Hindle
- Projections - Shona Doyle
- fight Direction - Anton Krause
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
Have there been other SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.
External Links
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