Rachael Watkins
From sltarchive
SLT Member 2004 - Present

Rachael (centre) as Mrs Gilbert with Audrey Lindsay and Michael Marsden in The Browning Version (2014). Photograph by Tom Hancock.
Acting Roles
- Family Retainers, Servants, Guests in Romeo and Juliet (2004) (Bell Theatre)
- Poppy Norton-Taylor in Noises Off (2004) (Bell Theatre)
- Susie in Paddington Train (2004) (Prompt Corner)
- Pascuala in Fuente Ovejuna (2005) (Bell Theatre)
- Girl/Marty in A Clockwork Orange (2005) (Bell Theatre)
- Laura in Between Worlds (2005) (Prompt Corner)
- Bride of Dracula in The Dracula Spectacula (2005) (Bell Theatre)
- Shelley in Ladies Down Under (2010) (Prompt Corner)
- Janey Morris in The Earthly Paradise (2011) (Prompt Corner)
- Hester Collier in The Deep Blue Sea (2012) (Bell Theatre)
- Mrs Gilbert in The Browning Version (2014) (Prompt Corner)
Singer for:
Productions as Choreographer
- The Sleeping Beauty (2006) (Bell Theatre) with Vanessa Colls
Productions as Assistant Stage Manager
Costume on:
Set Construction on:
Productions as Photographer
External Links
- Kes Production Photographs [1]
- This member's Web Site.