Do Not Disturb (2022)
Directed by Martin Copland-Gray
Performances: Tue 22nd – Sat 26th March 2022, Old Fire Station
Lindy has two boys and is married to Hugh, a member of a prominent Midwest family who is running a weigh-in for Senate. Adam is a successful architect with a wife named Jan, a dancer, and a son. The characters originally met at a book club 10 years previously in New York where they both lived at the time. Now, older and perhaps a little wiser than their younger selves, they meet in Lindy's hotel room to talk about old times and discuss the road not travelled.
Life is all about choices and how you come to terms with those choices you make, for me that is what makes this play so fascinating. For Lidy and Adam, as the conversation revolves around the obvious, what happens over the course of this one night makes them address the choices that they both made, and forces them to consider that sometimes in life you do get a second chance.
Question is, if you get that chance what do you do?
Martin Copland-Gray, Director
The play was originally due to take place in March 2020, but had to be cancelled shortly before the first night because of the global pandemic.
- Melinda (Lindy) Metz - Laarni Cornista-Hollebon
- Adam Penzius - David Hepburn
- Radio D.J. - Lily Ann Coleman
- Stage Manager - Cal Beckett
- Assistant Stage Mangers - Lorna Felix & Lydie Koritsas
- Lighting Designer - Designer Name
- Operator - Anna Callender
- Props - Carole Ironside
- Company voice work - Lily Ann Coleman
- Production Manager and Set Design - Chaz Doyle
- Assistant Director Helen Downham
- Costume - SLT wardrobe & the cast
- Construction - Sean Thomas, Hans Mudlamootoo, Mark Ireson, Leon Chambers, Dennis Fenton, Anna Rubincam, Rob Hayway, Sue Brooke & the cast.
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
Have there been other SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.
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