The Spinach Eaters (1983)
by Clare Booker
Directed by Ken Lucas
Performances: Sat 21st & Sun 22nd May 1983, Prompt Corner
The scene is Douglas Rodhford's dining room, in a house once handsome, now antiquated, with a view of the adjacent kitchen
- Cecil Cornwall - Paul Valleau
- Douglas Rochford - Ken Lucas
- Mrs Malin - Jean Farge
- Stage Manager - Jan Hasan
- Assistant Stage Manager - Peter Preston
- Lighting - John Hartnett
- Sound - Brian Fretwell
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
From the May 1983 issue of SCENE. "Acting on the maxim of not shouting until yu have something worth talking about, the Writers' Circle now presents three (one was cancelled) new plays in the Prompt Corner on the weekend Sat and Sun 21st & 22nd May. It is hoped the proggramme will end the reign of darkness in that theatre.
Casting for these thre plays please contact Ken Lucas or Chris King.
So the plays were being cast in the same issue as they were advertised!!!
See Also
Have there been other SLTC/SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.