'Arf 'n' 'Arf (1984)

by Alan Buckman, Nigel Rees, Alan Coren, Michael Palin, Geral Wiley, Bob Block, (Frank Muir & Dennis Norden), Waterhouse & Hall
Music by (Mike Nichols & Ken Welch), Richard Adler, Ron Grainer & Richard Rogers
Directed by Alan Buckman
Performances: Sat 28th – Sun 29th July 1984, Bell Theatre
"You are advised to read this programme very carefully - it would be useful if one of us knew what was going on"
A sort of comedy show in 2 'arfs with many sketches in each. And an 'arf time.
The Cast List (Although some of them stand nearly straight)
In alphabetical order (as opposed to height or age)
- Eileen Bicarregui - (The famous anagram)
- Steve Hannington - (man of a Hundred vices sorry Voices)
- Nikki Hogg - (Fresh from her Triumph - parked outside)
- Lynn Jenner - (Mistress of the art of playing Brahms and Liszt)
- Matthew Lyne - (No stranger to our audience - than he is to anyone else)
- Brenda Meldrum - (Neat, petite and exquisitely marked - 'Made in Korea')
- Alan Buckman - (So I'm not in alphabetical order - but it looks so humble to put myself at the bottom)
- Stage Manager - June (Fixit) McAuliffe
- Asistant Stage Managers - Beverley (What on earth am I doing here) Shuttleworth & Cinice (June's Husband) McAuliffe
- Designer - A**n B**m*n
- Lighting Design - A** B*****
- Lighting Operator - Jim (I can see you; can you see me) Doyle
- Sound Recorder - Brian (the boy slaved over a burning deck) Fretwell
- Sound Operator - Alf (it's not like working the fruit machine) Vaal
- Programme & Poster Design - Dno Notrh (with his Junior Bulldog printing kit
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.