Steel Magnolias (1994)
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Revision as of 15:29, 5 May 2009 by (Talk)

Poster by Sylvia Richardson
Directed by John Mead
Performances: Tue 1st – Sat 5th February 1994, Bell Theatre
The action takes place in Truvy's beauty parlour, Chiquapin, Louisiana. Time: The present.
Act I, Scene I - April, Scene II - December.
Act II Scene I - June, 18 months later, Scene II - November
- Truvy Jones - Karen Nott
- Anelle Dupuy-Desoto - Lisa Ventham
- Clairee Belcher - Gail Arnold
- Shelby Eatonton-Latcherie - Maxine Canham
- M'lynn Eatonton - Maggie Cearns
- D.J. - Andrew Melville
- Stage Manager - Sarah Walters
- Assistant Stage Manager - John Scahill
- Lighting Design - Bernie Bullbrook
- Lighting Operator - Anton Krause
- Sound - Brian Fretwell
- Set Design - David John
- Set Construction & Painting - Kevin Richardson, Sylvia Richardson, Sarah Walters & David John
- Production Manager - Bernie Bullbrook
- Properties - Linda White
- Plumbing - John Peck
- Prompt - Frances Walker
- Production Assistant - Sally Grainger
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Brian Fretwell
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
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