Same Time Next Year (1995)
Directed by Pip Piacentino
Performances: Weds 11th – Sat 14th January 1995, Bell Theatre
The entire action of the play takes place in a guest cottage of the "Sea Shadows Inn" in Northern California.
Act 1: Scene 1: A day in late spring 1951, Scene 2: A day in late spring 1956, Scene 3: A day in late spring 1961
Act 2: Scene 1: A day in late spring 1965, Scene 2: A day in late spring 1970, Scene 3: A day in late spring 1975
- Doris - Maxine Canham
- George - Keefe Browning
- Set Design - Alan Buckman
- Stage Manager - Colin Starkey
- Assistant Stage Manager - Robert Stocks
- Lighting Design - Brian Fretwell
- Lighting Operator - Fay Johnson
- Sound - Paul O'Connor
- Miss Canham's Dresser - Yvonne Walters
- Mr Browning's Dresser - Joe Whitehouse
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
From the programme:- The most memorable rehearsal was in the director's flat when it took us 3 hours and 5 bottles of wine to get from page 46 to page 48.
See Also
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