The Merchant of Venice (1999)

Directed by Jack King
Performances: Tue – Sat September 1999, Bell Theatre
"Probably written some time between 1596 and 1598, this classic tale of love and hate, revenge and prejudice is as problematic a play as you will find in the Bard's whole repertoire. Scratch the surface of the text and numerous ambiguities immediately become apparent. This is a world peopled by hypocrites and manipulators. No-one is ever quite what they seem. Bassanio, outwardly so noble, none-the-less exploits the latent homosexual tendencies of Antonio to his own ends. Portia, every inch a heroine, is wilful and impetuous, who woman who, cavalierly risks the life of her husband's best friend on a whim. Jessica, the sweet young thing who abandons her father and her faith for the frothy frivolities of the gentiles. Lorenzo, her loving husband who thinks nothing of robbing his father-in-law blind before they leave. Shylock himself, a man of commerce and honourable trade, yet overcome by black-hearted vengeance when crossed. Even Launcelot, the clown, is a dark brooding kind of comic."
"In this production, you are offered the decadent, frivolous Venice of Mussolini's heyday. Life is characterised by the games and gossip of its cafe society, but underneath the surface there simmers a brooding tension, an undercurrent of violence and prejudice waiting to erupt.
- The Duke of Venice - Alan Buckman
- The Prince of Morocco - Ali Azaro
- The Prince of Arragon - Alan Walker
- Antonio, a merchant of Venice - Michael Smart
- Bassanio, his friend, suitor of Portia - Craig Carruthers
- Portia, The Lady of Belmont - Helen Chadney
- Shylock, a jew of Venice - Jeremy Smith
- Gratiano, friend of Bassanio - Matthew Eades
- Solanio, friend of Bassanio - David Ford
- Salerio, friend of Bassanio - Mark Beavon
- Lorenzo, in love with Jessica - Matthew Bartlett
- Nerrisa, Portia's waiting woman - Fiona Daffern
- Jessica, daughter of Shylock - Hayley Starr
- Tubal, a jew of Venice/Gaoler - Ian Mill
- Servingmen/Clerk of the Court - Richard Cannon
- Launcelot Gobbo, servant of Shylock - Andrew Smith
- Old Gobbo, father of Launcelot - Malcolm Woodman
- Sophia, a waitress - Marcia Kelly
- Stage Manager - Jess Osorio
- Assistant Stage Managers - Pat Laban, John Yarwood
- Prompt - Jane Thornhill
- Lighting Design - Keefe Browning
- Sound Operator - Paul O'Connor
- Set Construction - The cast
- Set Painting Design - Andy Smith
- Board design and photography - Andrew Rickinson
- Portia & Nerrisa's costumes - Alan Buckman
- Portia's hair - Andy Dalbertanson
Thanks to: Elaine Heath, Shannon Ludden, Anton Krause
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