How the Other Half Loves (1982)

Directed by John Woodrooffe
Performances: Sun 4th – Sat 10th April 1982, Bell Theatre
From SCENE 1982
The play revolves around the escapades of three couples with hilarious results. When Bob Phillips' affair with his boss's wife, Fiona Foster, is in danger of being discovered by their respective spouses, each attempts to avert suspicion by projecting their own infidelity on to a third couple, the totally innocent and socially retarded Featherstones. The respective spouses, Theresa Phillips and Frank Foster, independently determine to try and help the hapless Featherstones with their supposed problems, but complications run wild when William Featherstone suspects Bob Phillips of seducing his wife.
Sound complicated? It is, and so is the unique staging of the play when a riotous dinner at the Fosters on Thursday is played simultaneously with dinner at the Phillips on Friday with all three couples continuing their merry misadventures and misunderstandings.
- Frank Foster - Mike Gabe
- Fiona Foster - Yvonne Orengo
- Bob Phillips - Richard Dickson
- Terry Phillips - Ann Richards
- William Featherstone - Steve Hannington
- Mary Featherstone - Wendy Allen
- Production Assistant - Sue Thompson
- Stage Manager - Bill Peters
- Assistant Stage Managers - Simon Vaal, Sue Thompson
- Lighting Design - Roger Taylor
- Lighting Operator - Dee Bidmead, Ann King
- Sound - Bob Marshall, Alf Vaal
- Wardrobe - Nikki Hogg
- Set Construction - Bill Peters, Mark Dakin, Mike Gabe, Dennis Packham, Debby Parrett, James Turner, John Woodrooffe
- Props - Nikki Hogg, Marilyn Firth, Linda Hartnett, Julia Voak
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Brian Fretwell
Richard Dickson on the 'phone to Mike Gabe
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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