Our Country's Good (2012)

Performances: 8pm, Tue 7th – Sat 11th February 2012, Bell Theatre
In 1787, The First Fleet carried a cargo of convicts and Navy Officers and sailed to Botany Bay to establish a penal colony. Two years later the convicts were allowed to put on a play with the help of one of the officers and ‘Our Country’s Good’ tells the story of this production from initial idea to opening night. The production faces many obstacles; from the vehement opposition from some of the officers to the threat that one of the female leads will be hanged.
The play is beautiful written with wonderfully powerful language and interesting, complex characters. The relationships on stage are complicated, funny and moving and will be great fun to play!
Second Lieutenant Ralph Clarke………………………..Baron Anyangwe
Captain David Collins/Robert Sideway……………………...Steve Brown
Dabby Bryant/Second Lieutenant William Faddy….……..Eileen Coan
Major Robbie Ross/Ketch Freeman…………...…………Derek Dempsey
Captain Watkin Tench/Caesar………………………….……....Neil Forster
Liz Morden/Lieutenant Will Dawes…………………….…..…Shona Gibbs
Captain Jemmy Campbell............................................Graham Rice
Meg Long/Reverend Johnson………………………..….….……Anita Sollis
Ducking Smith/Lieutenant George Johnston….….......Alice St.Aubyn
Captain Arthur Phillip/John Wisehammer……….….......Chris Stooke
Mary Brenham……………………………………….......….….Steph Urquhart
Midshipman Harry Brewer/JohnArscott……………....……....Alex Watts
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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