A Midsummer Night's Dream (1980)

Directed by Jill Clark
Performances: Preview Sat 5th, Gala Opening Sun 6th & Mon 7th – Sat 12th July 1980, Main Theatre
Text about the play
- Theseus - Paul Barnes
- Hippolyta - Ann Walker
- Lysander - Mikael Rust
- Demetrius - James Clyde
- Hermia - Anita Sollis
- Helena - Angie Shrubsole
- Egeus - Ted Higgins
- Peter Quince - Mike Gabe
- Nick Bottom - Charles Cheetham
- Frances Flute - Matthew Lyne
- Tom Snout - Adrian McLaughlin
- Snug - Mike Mattey
- Robin Starveling - Harry Sanders
- Oberon - Ian Vallener
- Titania - Jill Cowley
- Puck or Robin Goodfellow - John Hartnett
- Fairies attending on Titania - Marilyn Firth, Kate Austin, Kate Bottomore, Caroline Bryant, Cathy Harding, Mikki Hewitt, Jeanette Hoile, Gillian Holmes, Melinda Jenkinson
- Music Composed by - Enid Luff
- Choreography - Jean Warboyes
- Asistant to the director - Robert Hedden
- Stage Manager - Kris Swarbrick
- Assistant Stage Managers - Paul Wiseman, Lynn Vallender, Roger Taylor
- Lighting Design - Stephen Holroyd
- Assistants to the Lighting Designer - Ann King, Tony Wilson
- Sound Engineer - Mick Lown
- Assistant to the Sound Engineer - Brian Fretwell
- Costume - Debby Parrett
- Wardrobe Assistants - Lynn Jenner, Kate Bottomore, Ann Mattey
- Set Construction - Ray Seaton
- Set Construction Assistants - Edward Clark, Juhn Rogers, Malcolm Johnson, Members of the Company.
- Rehearsal Pianist - Lynn Jenner
- Properties - Annette Wiseman, Marion Haladjian
- Bottom's Head by - Juliet More
- Box Office Manager - David Bell
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Brian Fretwell
Jill Cowley as Titania with attendant fairies..
[[]] Jeanette Hoile, [[]], [[]] & [[]].
Angie Shrubsole (Helena), James Clyde (Demetrius), Mikael Rust (Lysander), John Hartnett (Puck) & Ian Vallender (Oberon).
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.