One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1995)
by Dale Wasserman based on the novel by Ken Kesey
Directed by John Mead assisted by Helen Chadney
Performances: Sun 5th – Sat 11th March 1995, Bell Theatre
Scene: The day room of a mental hospital in the Pacific Northwest of America.
- Chief Bromden - Shaun Stevens
- Aide Warren - Rob Parke
- Aide Williams - Tony Healy
- Nurse Ratched - Pam Jarvis
- Nurse Flinn - Sandy Girling
- Harding - Des Muller
- Billy Bibbitt - William Lyn
- Scanlon - Alan Jarvis
- Cheswick - Bob Reid
- Martini - Toby Grimshaw
- A walker - Mark Sammut
- A vegetable - Russell Bartlett
- Randle P McMurphy - Paul Bryan
- Doctor Spivey - John Lyne
- Turkle - Bernie Bullbrook
- Ruckley - Paul Thomson
- Candy Star - Karen Nott
- Technician - Sylvia Bryan
- Sandra - Vivienne Weller
- Recorded Voices - Matthew Lyne, David Girling & Samantha Girling
- Stage Manager - Sarah Walters
- Assistant Stage Managers - Sylvia Bryan, Helen Iveson, Peter Medd & Yvonne Walters
- Lighting Design - Peter Medd
- Lighting Operator - Kirsty Pirrie
- Sound Recording - Brian Fretwell
- Sound Operator - Dillon
- Set Design - Alan Buckman
- Set Construction - Alan Buckman, Anton Krause & Keefe Browning
- Special Effects - Trevor Court
- Prompts - Betty Gibson & Neeta Sanghera
- Publicity - Helen Chadney; Sylvia Richardson; Colin Starkey
The help given by:- King's College Hospital; Pathfinder, Springfield Hospital; Angels & Bermans Costume Co.; West Lambeth Community Care is gratefully acknowledged.
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Brian Fretwell
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
The programme states "David Whiteing was to have played Scanlon. Unfortunately he was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident. We would like to record our thanks for his contribution, and to wish him a speedy recovery."
See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.