Cinderella (2008)

Directed by Stuart Draper
Performances: Decemeber 2008, Bell Theatre
SLT has commissioned its third pantomime from writer/director Stuart Draper. This season's offering is Cinderella: the classic rags to riches tale of the girl who not only gets to go to the ball, but gets her man.
Join Baron Hardup and his scheming daughters, the hapless Buttons, Daniel Deeny (Dan to his friends, with an interesting taste in legwear) and of course the beautiful Prince Charming. All aided and abbetted by Nuff, the Fairy Godfather.
With fabulous sets, sumptious costumes and magical effects, the SLT Panto is regarded as one of the best pantomimes in South London - and this year will be even bigger and brighter than before.
It's pretty much the normal cast of Cinderella: Ugly Sisters, Broker's Men, evil Stepmum. Breaks with tradition include the introduction of the rat and the dog as narrators who live in the kitchen with Cinderella (one scene actually includes a host of other animals, including a donkey, a cow, a cat and all the other puppets/heads we have in wardrobe at SLT - We All Stand Together). The Fairy is a bloke - top half pure Godfather, bottom half pure Fairy.
Cinderella (F) (playing age 16 - 18)
Buttons, a page (M) (playing age 16 - 18)
Baron Hardup, Cinderella's father (M)
Baroness Hardup, Cinderella's Stepmum (M/F)
Arachni, Cinderella's Horrid Sister (M/F)
Ariadni, Cinderella's Horris Sister (M/F)
Prince Charming, a prince (M)
Dan Deeny, his valet (F)
Giueseppe Nuff, A Fairy Godfather (M)
Charlie Cheese: the brokers men (M/F)
Peter Pickle: the brokers men (M/F)
Fussbudget: The Chancellor
Peter: A Servant
Kitty: A Maid
Raymond/Roxy, A Rat - a puppet, but the actor is seen throughout, Lion King style (M/F)
Digby/Donatella, A Dog - a puppet, as above (M/F) (roles will be male/female dependent on auditions)
The Boy Sopranos: Fairy Godfather's Minions. <P>
Of Mice and Men - Chorus
Chorus includes villagers, ball guests, mice and men.
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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