The Ten Percenters (2007)
Directed by Stuart Draper
Performances: March 2007, as part of the youth showcase, *Supanova in the Bell Theatre
Inspired by the characters in Stay With Me, and set once more in the throes of World War II, the play opens with the three children playing 'sardines.' Douglas, an evacuee from London, soon finds Harry. Harry persuades Douglas to play house - although Douglas is rather miffed that he has to go out to work and can't help wash the baby. When Harry's sister, Hilary, finds them trouble ensues.
But the children soon realise they all have something in common.. and form the club, The Tenpercenters...
- Harry - Liam Starkey
- Douglas - Taylor Richards
- Hilary - Scarlet Dobson
"I loved the part where Liam says "Did you have a good day at work?" That's already a contender for this year's best comedy moment." Peter Judge
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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