As You Like It (2012)

Performances: Tue 6th – Sat 10th November 2012, Bell Theatre
1599. Simpler times. When a girl could meet a hansome boy, fall in love with him, get kicked out of her house, whack on a false beard, flee to the magical forest of Arden, bump into the boy again, find out he's madly in love with her enough to plaster the whole forest with chuck-making love poetry - but not enough to recognise her under a hastily whacked-on false beard, mess up the lives of some shepherds, pretend to the boy that loves her madly that she's a boy pretending to be her girl self as a barking madwoman in order to cure him of the madness of being in love with her.....well, you get the idea.
- Rosalind – Helen Reid
- Celia – Sarah Peachey
- Orlando – Alex Watts
- Adam – Peter Medd
- Phebe – Fiona Godfrey
- Audrey – Marianne Thompson
- Oliver – John Watson
- Silvius – Ed Smith
- Touchstone – Owen Chidlaw
- Duke Senior – John Irvine
- Duke Frederick – Derek Dempsey
- Charles – Peter Bond
- Jacques – Audrey Helps
- Corin – Jonathan Curry-Machado
- William – Noah Wright
- Assistant Director/ASM – Claire Nicholls
- Stage Manager – Raffaella Patmore,
- Musical Director - Peter Bond
- Choreographer - Laura Yandell
- Lighting Design – Jenny Harris
- Sound Design/Operation - Josie Allen
- Costume – Rachael Watkins
- Hair & Make-up – Francesca Blessley
- Set Design – Tom Hancock & Hazel Hindle
- Fight Direction - Anton Krause
- Set Construction - Mark Ireson, Gavin Parker, cast and crew
- Scenic Artist - Hazel Hindle
- Original Music – Peter Bond
- Poster – Charles Doyle
- Programme - Claire Nicholls
Thanks to:
Rebecca Davies, Cal Dempsey, The Park public house, Lisa Thomas, Siobhan Campbell, Mark Ireson, Gavin Parker, John Gardner, Michelle Thomson, Val Williams, Jess Osorio and the box office team, Jeanette Hoile and the front of house team, Matthew lyne and the bar staff.