Snow White (2012)

by Jenny Gammon
Directed by Lee Ridgeway, Jenny Gammon, Jack King & Siobhan Campbell (Children's Director)
Performances: Thurs 6th – Sat 15th & Wed 12th - Sat 15th December at 7.30pm 2012, Bell Theatre Matinees: Sat 8th, Sun 9th & Sat 15th at 2.30pm
It's Snow White! How much more do you need to know!
- Simples - David Clements
- Nanny B. Good - Alan Buckman
- Queen Kassandra - Sue Jacobsen
- The Mirror - Jack King
- Snow White - Charlotte Dobson
- Prince From Foreign Lands - Kelly-Kim Cranstoun
- Lady Norwood - Ishia Osborne
- Sir Knight of the Hill - Dean Wicks
- Countess Auckland of Floral Hall - Lisa Bender
- The Duke of Lancaster - Mike Smart
- The Seven Dwarfs:
- Prof - Ruby Rogers/Nina Glover Southworth
- Ratty - Katie Balme/Louise O'Hara
- Smilie - Lola Rafferty/Lola Curry
- Bumbles - Callum Balme/Ashleigh Curry-Machado
- Itchy - Skye Williams/Louie Chapman
- Snoozy - Tabby McLachlan/Ellen Fry
- 'Duh' - Blake McKenzie/Finley Robertson
- Palace Servants & Guests:
- Katie Patrick and Ava Hogson Hann
- Rowan Suthren, Leah Girma, Eleanor MacMillan
- Rabbit - Leah Girma/Rowan Suthren
- Stage Management - Carole Coyne, Rodney Quinn, Jean Dobson
- Lighting & Sound - Jenny Harris, Gavin Parker, Chris Lewis, Rachael Lovegrove, Josie Allen, Lee Ridgeway, Kevin Leech, Andrew Rickinson, Richard Gammon
- Set - Hazel Hindle, Chaz Doyle, Rodney Quinn, Graham Clements, David Cox
- Choreography - Kelly-Kim Cranstoun, Natalie Cave
- Music Direction - Gerard Johnson, Andrew Chadney
- Costumes - Michelle Thomson, Alan Buckman, Carole Coyne, Caroline Doyle, Kathryn Ramsay, Lisa Thomas, Matthew Lyne, Siobhan Campbell, Jenny Gammon
- Press & Marketing - Jeanette Hoile
- Poster Art - Shona Doyle
- Phtography - Phil Gammon
Thanks to:
- Val Williams, John Sansom, Phil and Richard Gammon, our tireless Bar and Box Office staff and FOH and Raffe volunteers, and 'Cheers' to The Hope for rehearsal space. A Special hug for Oliver.
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See Also
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