The Hypochondriac (2013)

by Moliere, in a translation by Roger McGough
Performances: Tue 5th – Sat 9th March 2013, Bell Theatre
Argan is a perfectly healthy gentleman convinced that he is seriously ill. He drives his wife, his daughter and his feisty servant to distraction with his reliance on quack medicines until they decide it is time to take things into their own hands with a cunning plan for his most efficacious cure. Roger McGough injects his own brand of silliness into Moliere’s scathing comedy.
- Argan (a hypochondriac) - Christopher Vian-Smith
- Beline (his wife) - Annie Hayes
- Angelique (his daughter) - Lally Hastings
- Cleante (a lovesick suitor) - Owen Chidlaw
- Beralde (his brother) - Jon Meakin
- Toinette (a mardy maid) - Emma Symes
- Diafoirus Snr (a doctor) - Anthony Campling
- Thomas Diafoirus (his son) - Lawrence Dunant
- Dr Purgeon (an eminent enemanologist) - Barry Heselden
- Bonnefoi & Fleurant (a lawyer and a doctor) - Caroline Beckett
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