Over the Top (2013)
by Rodney Quinn
Directed by Ben Owora & Rodney Quinn
Performances: Tue 19th – Sat 23rd March 2013, Prompt Corner
Presented in a double bill with Birds Still Fly
Over the Top, first performed in 2005 at the Cork Arts Theatre and published in 2006, is set in the First World War, 1918, just before they go into battle.
- Jack - Liam Sharkey
- Tommy - Noah Wright
- Witter - Theseus Stefanatos
- Billy - Douglas Campbell
- Sgt Jones - Winston Forgie
- William - Mark Vinson
- Maggie - Kelly-Kim Cranstoun
- Kate - Sue Jacobsen
- Grandad - John Lyne
- Mary - Ronyanne Batley
- Mrs Taylor - Stephanie Edwards
- Stage Manager - Graham Clements
- Production Assistant - Michelle Thomson
- Lighting Design - Gavin Parker, Chris Gomez
- Sound Design - Andrew Rickinson
- Lighting & Sound Operator - Patrick Brown
- Costumes - Lisa Thomas
- Set Build - Chaz Doyle, Ben Owora, Jonathan Curry-Machado, Noah Wright, Graham Clements, Stephanie Edwards, Rodney Quinn
- Poster Artwork - Chris Green
- Set Painting - Hazel Hindle
With thanks to:
Melissa Williams for all her proof-reading on the new drafts of both plays; Val Williams and Jason and Anne Quinn for creating the army hats; Alan Buckman, Noah Wright and Peter Bond for props; Jeanette for all her help with the poster; the Hope pub for generously providing rehearsal space; and, finally, all the Bar, Box Office and Front of House volunteers who keep SLT running.
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