Henry V (2014)

Performances: Tue 4th – Sat 8th November 2014, Bell Theatre Matinee Sat 8th 2pm
Henry V, a short-lived king whose story is now embedded (with no small thanks to Shakespeare) into English folklore.
The political situation in England is tense: King Henry IV has died, and his son, the young King Henry V, has just assumed the throne. Several bitter wars have left the people of England restless and dissatisfied. Furthermore, in order gain the respect of the English people and the court, Henry must live down his wild adolescent past, when he consorted with thieves and drunkards at the Boar's Head Tavern on the seedy side of London. Henry lays claim to certain parts of France, based on his distant roots in the French royal family and as a result of his decision to invade France we see through the play how this trickles down to affect the common people he rules.
We hope that this production will leave you with strong and powerful memories of the effect of war on those brave soldiers, who through a sense of duty, national pride and adventure offer their lives for their country.
It's been a tough journey bringing this production to the stage and the work put in by everyone has been unbelievable - so, many thanks one and all.
Mark Bullock, Director.
- Henry V - Tom Hancock
- Chorus - Cal Beckett
- Exeter - Barry Heselden
- Westmoreland - Julian Cox
- Bishop of Ely/Fluellen - Michelle-Louise Wright
- Grey/Gower/Dauphin - Sam Bossman
- Archbishop of Canterbury/Constable - Tom Salyers
- Pistol - Piers Newman
- Boy/Katherine - Phoebe Vigor
- Hostess Quickly/MacMorris/Williams - Frances McGonigle
- Cambridge/Nym/Orleans/Burgundy - Martin Smith
- King of France/Governor/Erpingham - Simon Waterfield
- Bardolph/Rambures - Douglas Campbell
- York/French Messenger - Craig Harding
- Ambassador/Alice/Court - Caroline Durant
- Montjoy/Bates/Queen of France - Carole Coyne
- Scroop/Jamy/french Soldier - Stanley Myers O'Mulloy
- Assistant Director - Siobhan Campbell
- Stage Manager - Kay George
- Set Design - Edwina Bullock
- Construction - Mark Ireson, Chaz Doyle, Piers Newman, Craig Harding, Siobhan Campbell, Mark Bullock
- Scenic Art - Hazel Hindle, Carole Ironside
- Media Design - Tom Hancock, Lydia Watkins
- Lighting Design - Gavin Parker, Siobhan Campbell, Mark Bullock
- Sound Design - Julian Cox, Mark Bullock
- Armour, Costumes & Medieval Props - Simon Waterfield, Sian Hancock, Craig Harding
- Assistant Stage Manager - Mike Smart
- Show Operation - Alice Roche
- Fight Director and Battle Choreography - Simon Waterfield
- Poster Design - Tom Hancock
- Programme - Dave Hollander
- Photographer - Phil Gammon
I would like to thank the following who have made this production possible: Alan buckman, Michelle Thomson, Lisa Thomas, Front of House, Box Office, Matthew Lyne and bar volunteers, the Jack the Ripper Gang, Catherine Evans, the Park Tavern, Emma Wilson, Charlotte Benstead, Liam Campbell, Edwina Bullock and the RSC Costume Hire.
Henry V is part of the RSC Open Stages 2013/2014 season.
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