Landscape With Weapon (2016)

by Joe Penhall
Performances: Tue 27th September – Sat 1st October 2016, Upper Hall, Stanley Halls
Ned is the brains behind a new military technology so sophisticated, so extraordinary, it will revolutionise the nature of warfare. It's only when the Ministry of Defence demands intellectual ownership that Ned begins to understand his family's initial horror.
- Ned - Tom Mathias
- Dan - Jerome Kennedy
- Ross - Helen Chadney
- Brooks - Matthew Moore
- Stage Manager - Kay George
- Assistant Stage Manager - Tiffany Manning
- Lighting Designer - Sean Thomas
- Sound Design & Show Operator - Christopher Vian-Smith
- Set Design - Charles Doyle
- Fight Director - Anton Krause
Thanks fearless cast for taking on such a challenging script, everyone in the crew especially the unflappable Kay George and the ever-smiling Tiffany Manning, Chris for digging-up sound effects, Chaz for explaining patiently to me how to realise an ambitious set and then being even more patient when I replaced most of it with two chairs and a table, our theatre committee rep Mark, Dan Goad for his help with props and Stanley Halls staff. Thanks are also due to Bryon Fear for his tireless promotional work and the wonderful SLT box office, front of house and raffle staff without whom we would just be a bunch of luvvies shouting at empty seats.
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by Kait Feeney
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.