The Clerk's Account (1975)

by John Yorath
Directed by Michael Small
Performances: Sat 13th & Sun 14th September 1975, Prompt Corner
Jordan's View. If you live in Lambeth, it's almost certain that the view from your window is one of bricks, concrete and glass. In the late 17th century, however, the view would probably have consisted of trees, grass and the odd cow, for, apart from riverside Lambeth and a few scattered villages and country houses, the borough was exclusively rural. To hardy metropolitans like ourselves, the times when sheep idly grazed on land that is now the site of our theatre seem pretty remote, but until comparatively recently, Lambeth had changed very little since Roman times. The Clerk's Account is set in the late 17th century, when the outskirts of London began at Vauxhall and the gentry rode for a pleasant afternoon's excursion to Norwood to have their fortunes told by the gypsies on the hill. The play has drawn on numerous historical records such as churchwarden's accounts, parish registers and antiquarian volumes on the district, to give us one man's view of contemporary Lambeth life in the 1670s.
- Thomas Jordan, Parish Clerk - John Harris
- Technical Supervision - Bernie Bullbrook
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- Photos by ???
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