Fest Norwood (2018)

The First Annual West Norwood Arts Festival
Events: Fri 3rd – Sun 12th August 2018, Old Fire Station
The inaugural Annual West Norwood Arts Festival features events staged by L'Arche Gothic Lodge, the Book & Record Bar, FEAST, Knowles of Norwood, West Norwood Cemetery, The Great North Wood, Better Health & Leisure, the Portico Gallery and the Volcano Coffee Works Cafe as well as SLT. This page is devoted to events at the Old Fire Station.
- Friday 3rd 8-11pm
Opening Night Party for participants of the festival.
- Friday 3rd 11pm - 3am
Paranormal Investigation - Ghost hunting at SLT with Ghostech.
- Saturday 4th 2-3.30pm
In Our Time - Poetry Slabs & West Norwood Voices.
- Sunday 5th 2.30pm
The Illusioner - Family show of magic and illusions.
- Sunday 5th 7.30 - 8.20pm
Denied Under Section 221(G) - Comedy & song with Connie Wookie.
- Sunday 5th 8.30 - 9.30pm
Eleanor Bennett - Post-show folk music in the SLT Bar.
- Monday 6th 9.15 - 10am
Story Time - Sensory story telling with puppets.
- Monday 6th 11am - 5pm (Daily Mon-Fri)
Play in a Week - Devised theatre project for 11-16 yrs.
- Monday 6th 4.30 - 5.15pm
Stars Above - Hippocampus theatre for young people.
- Monday 6th 8-10pm
Chiaroscuro Life Drawing - A life drawing class with a difference.
- Tuesday 7th 9.15 - 10am
Music Mayhem - Baby friendly drums, whistles & bells
- Tuesday 7th 2 - 5pm
New Blood Workshop - Finding careers in the creative arts.
- Tuesday 7th 8 - 9pm
25 Stories - Dreadful, strange yet hilarious stories with Alex Watts
- Wednesday 8th 9.15 - 10am
Messy Play - Tactile, gooey & terrific fun.
- Wednesday 8th 6 - 6.45pm
He Said She Said - Poetry Slabs on the theme of love.
- Wednesday 8th 8 - 9.30pm
In the Life History of Polari - Exploring gay slang - live music after.
- Thursday 9th 9.15 - 10am
Story Adventure - Immersive story telling with puppets
- Thursday 9th 6.30 - 8pm
Directing Masterclass - with Holby City actor Paul Clayton
- Thursday 9th 7.30 - 8.10pm
Gruesome Playground Injuries - Narrative of abiding love of two people.
- Friday 10th 9.15 - 10am
Baby Disco - Baby disco! The weekend starts here.
- Friday 10th 5.30 - 6.30pm
Play in a Week (See Monday) - Performance of youth devised theatre.
- Friday 10th 8-9.30pm
Fest Norwood Shorts - An evening of 9 inventive short plays (details to follow)
== Open to Interpretation == by Caroline Doyle
- Character 1 - Steve Anstee
- Character 2 - Tom Watts
- Directed by Caroline Beckett
== I Touch the Sky Beneath My Feet == by Eddie Coleman
- Character 1 - Raffaella Patmore
- Diane - Caroline Durant
- Directd by Lisa Thomas
== Dancing in the Dark == by Lily-Ann Green
- Character 1 - Katie Floyd
- Character 2 - Ruby Todd
- Directed by Jess Osorio
== On the Bench == by Tom Melly
- Character 1 - Derek Dempsey
- Character 2 - John Lyne
- Directed by Guy Jones
== Beyond the Door == by Ramone Kidd
- Character 1 - Liz Ingrey
- Character 2 - Cole O'Neill
- Directed by T R J Johnson
== Cream Coloured Clock (KDC) == by Catrin Fflur Huws
- Character 1 - Gemma Bowles
- Directed by Danielle Florence
== The Play's the Thing == by Matthew Lyne
- Dennis - Christopher Vian-Smith
- Pauline - Kay Anderson
- Directed by Anna Rubincam
== Dance Course (KDC) == by Danielle Florence
- Character - Lucy Spreckley
- Character 2 - Callum McGregor
- Directed by Sarah Dobson
- Stage Manager - Charlotte Benstead
- Lighting Designer - Designer Name
- Lighting Operator - Lee Ridgeway
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
Have there been other SLT productions of this play? Link to them here.
Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.
External Links
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