An Italian Straw Hat (1982)
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Poster by Malcolm Johnson
by Eugene Labiche & Marc Michel, Adapted by Thomas Walton
Directed by Jill Clark
Performances: Sat 6th – Sat 13th November 1982, Bell Theatre
The play is set in Paris in 1912.
This show had a gala night attended by the Mayor of Lambeth (far right of picture).
- Virginia, Mme Beaujolais' maid - Marilyn Firth
- Felix, Fardinard's valet - David Bidmead
- Vezinet, Helen's deaf uncle - Michael Meldrum
- Fadinard, the Bridgegroom - Adrian McLoughlin
- Emile Tavernier, a soldier - Mark Copping
- Annette, Mme Beaujolias - Caroline Farge
- Nonancourt, the Bride's father - Dennis Packham
- Helen, the Bride - Julia Voak
- Boby, the Bride's cousin - Matthew Lyne
- Clara, a milliner - Nikki Hogg
- Tardiveau, Clara's cashier - Jim Judd
- La Comptesse de Champigny, a society hostess - Brenda Meldrum
- Achille de Rosalba, the Comptesse's cousin - Alan Buckman
- Clotilde, the Comptesse's maid - Sharon Pidgeon
- La Duchesse de Chateau Gaillard - Ruth Shettle
- Mlle Ondine de Chateau Lepompe - Delia Taitt
- Le Duc de Chateau Gaillard - Leslie Lidyard
- M. Beaujolais, Annette's husband - Colm O'Neill
- A Corporal of the National Guard - Charlie Cheetham
- A man in a nightcap - Bernard Witt
- Bride's mother - Jean Farge
- Bridegroom's mother - Julie Thompson
- Bridegroom's father - John O'Connor
- Nagging wife - Sheila Harris
- Her husband, a letcher - Bernard Witt
- Their son, a nuisance - Simon Hewitt
- Ladies with identical outfits - Mickie Hewitt, Jeanette Hoile
- Elderly aunt - Frances Walker
- Weepy, hysterical girl - Maureen Travers
- Overdressed lady - Jeannie Hossell
- Undertaker - Paul Allen
- Bossy wife - Marie La Torre
- Their daughter, the Bridesmaid - Natalie Harris
- National Guardsmen - Malcolm Woodman, Bernard Witt
- Pianist - Lynn Jenner
- Settings & Costumes - Alan Buckman
- Musical Director - Lynn Jenner
- Choreography - Jean Warboyes
- Assistants to the Director - Robert Hedden, Sue Thompson
- Stage Manager - Sonia Burke
- Assistant Stage Managers - Sue Thompson, Iris Lenny, Julie Howcutt, Ann King
- Lighting Design - Stephen Holroyd
- Lighting Operator - Dillon
- Sound - Gordon Scott
- Set Construction - Ray Seaton
- Assisted by - Edward Clark, Jim Doyle, Brian Fretwell, Bob Marshall, Larry Welch
- Costumes Made by - Alan Buckman
- Assisted by - Debby Parrett, Jeanette Hoile, Hilda Coulden, Iris Lenny
- Prompt - Anna Greenburgh, Jean Warboyes
Some review quotes go here
- B&w Photos by Malcolm Johnson
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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