The Crucible (2007)
Directed by Anton Krause
Performances: Tue 20th – Sat 24th February 2007, Prompt Corner
Written in 1953, Arthur Miller's The Crucible is one of the most important and powerfully written plays of the 20th century. On the surface it is a partially fictionalised retelling of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s, but at the same time is a powerful allegory of McCarthyism in 1950s America, where suspected Communists were hounded and persecuted. The play serves as a warning against the effects of rampant suspicion and paranoia in all societies and has as much to say today as it ever did.
The plot is taken from the true-life events in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 when a group of young girls accused their fellow villagers of practicing witchcraft, leading to the executions of 19 men and women (and two dogs). Miller, having read through all of the court transcripts and looking for the motives behind the accusations, spun them into a compelling tale of repression, religious intolerance and sexual jealousy.
Director's Notes <ref>Director's Notes: SLT Website</ref>
- John Proctor - Matthew Lyne
- Abigail Williams - Maya Gabrielle Talbot
- Elizabeth Proctor - Helen Chadney
- Rev Parris - Simon Holland
- Rev Hale - David Blatcher
- Thomas Putnam - Richard Nield
- Anne Putnam - Samantha Golton
- Dep Gov Danforth - Michael Wilson
- Judge Hathorne - Andrew Davies
- Tituba - Angela Barnes
- Mary Warren - Rebecca Brough
- Mercy Lewis - Ella Rigby Lewenstein
- Betty Parris - Gaby Curry
- Susannah Walcott - Jessamy Lowe
- Marshall Herrick - Nick Mansley
- Ezekiel Cheever - Matthew Griffiths
- Francis Nurse - Peter Medd
- Rebecca Nurse - Linda East
- Giles Corey - John Lyne
- Sarah Good - Pam Lyne
- Hopkins - Anton Krause
- Stage Manager - Jane Moorhead
- Production assistant - Kat Moody
- Lighting Design - Stuart Draper
- Lighting/Sound Operator - Sarah Farage
- Costume - Stuart Draper
- Poster Design - Maria Bates
- Photography - Phil Gammon
With thanks to: Phil Wale at The Hob, Forest Hill; Gerard Johnson, Maria Bates, Carole Coyne, Alan Buckman, Alice Lowe, David Clements, Neil Carmichael, Dave Hollander, Mike Elliott.
I came into it knowing little more than the blurb on the back of the script and a wikipedia account. I left blinking, in tears, entirely traumatised by the hideous portrayal of the very worst in humanity.
This was a truly astonishing production.
This is SLT at its absolute best. *****
Louisa Evans <ref>SLT Discussion Board - Opening night of The Crucible</ref>
Quite simply the best production of The Crucible I have EVER seen.
Jenny Gammon <ref>SLT Discussion Board - Opening night of The Crucible</ref>
Production values are top notch – some fantastic performances, costumes and set that add to the atmosphere of the production rather than distracting from it, mood lighting, some lovely music (both recorded and live) and some stunning direction.
This has got to be one of the most powerful pieces of theatre I have ever seen and I would strongly recommend it.
The scenes between the Proctors (Helen Chadney and Matthew Lyne) really do deserve a special mention. They were just beautiful – absolutely outstanding.
Emma Howcutt <ref>SLT Discussion Board - The Crucible – a review (PS go tonight, 7.30 start)</ref>
I'm stunned. The calibre of the acting is sublime.
Jack King <ref>SLT Discussion Board - The Crucible – a review (PS go tonight, 7.30 start)</ref>
This was simply one of the best evenings I've had in a theatre, any theatre, ever.
Helen Jones <ref>SLT Discussion Board - The Crucible – a review (PS go tonight, 7.30 start)</ref>
This play just knocked my socks off. Absolutely brilliant writing, great direction, intimate, non-distracting set, and some spectacular performances.
Jem Solak <ref>SLT Discussion Board - The Crucible – a review (PS go tonight, 7.30 start)</ref>
This was one of the most moving, intimate, sensitively directed and acted pieces I have seen in a long time. I was absolutely riveted from beginning to end.
Naomi Liddle <ref>SLT Discussion Board - The Crucible by Arthur Miller</ref>
- Crucible photos by Phil Gammon
See Also