A Song At Twilight (2022)

by Noël Coward
Performances: Tuesday 8 – Saturday 12 November 2022, Old Fire Station
This bittersweet comedy, Coward’s last play from 1966, is the story of a cosmopolitan author caught in his declining years between two women, one being his wife of convenience for twenty years, the other, one of his former loves. The former flame produces some old love letters which she is about to turn over to a biographer, and the blackmail ensues….
- Sir Hugo Latymer - Simon Gleisner
- Carlotta Gray - Audrey Lindsay
- Hilde Latymer - Kanan Barot
- Felix - Robert Clarkson
- Stage Manager - Cherie Koh
- Assistant Stage Manager - Frankie Saunders
- Lighting Designer - Bryon Fear
- Operator - Sarah Farage
- Sound Design - Andrew Rickinson
- Set Design - Carole Ironside
- Set Construction - Barry Heselden, Sean Thomas, Daniel Kelly' Leon Chambers, {{Chris Hall]], Carole Ironside, Cal Beckett & Jess Osorio
- Pianist -- Andrew Chadney
- Assistant Director - Fiona Daffern
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.