The Last Day of November (1984)

by John Yorath
Directed by Bruce Murray
Performances: Sun 2nd - Sat 8th December 1984, Bell Theatre
This play was initially written by John Yorath to be performed by children...
It told the story of the Crystal Palace, from its planning to hold the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park in 1854, its building, relocation to Sydenham Hill and its final destruction by fire on the last day of November 1936.
This was the restaged version with a slightly differnet cast.
- Chris Dickinson
- Jack Edwards
- Lynn Foster
- Lesley Finney
- Trevor Gill
- Nikki Hogg
- Jeannie Hossell
- Haydn Leaker
- Jonathan Lewis
- John Lyne
- Dennis Packham
- Julie Thompson
- Stage Manager - Cheryl Webb
- Assistant Stage Managers - Sue Arnold, John Kidd
- Lighting Design - Richard Wood
- Lighting Operators - Mark Ahear, Laura Hussey, David Groves
- Sound - Bill Peters
- Projector Operator - Brian Fretwell
- Set Building - Bruce Murray & David Lamkin
- Prompt - Linda White
- Wardrobe & Costumes - Jeanette Hoile, Iris Lenny, Hilda Coulden, Frances Johnson & Lynn Jenner
Some review quotes go here
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.
See Also
The Last Day Of November (1983)
The orginal staging of this play was also taken to The Questors Theatre