Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens (2008)

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Poster by Poster Designer

music by Janet Hood and lyrics and additional text by Bill Russell

Directed by Ruth Huggett

Performances: Tue 21st - Sat 25th October 2008, Prompt Corner


Elegies is a collection of songs and monologues inspired by the AIDS memorial quilt - a memorial to the lives of people who have died of AIDS related causes.

Surprisingly the show is fun and serves as a celebration of the lives of people affected. The subject matter is dark and moving at times, but overall is presented with humour and joy.

AUDITIONS The cast is split between Actors and Singers:

Actors do not need to sing (although will join the final song).

Singers do not have to act (as in, they do not have scripted dialogue - their songs need to be presented in-character).

I will need 4 singers (1 Soprano, 1 Alto, 1 Tenor, 1 Bass) and up to 32 Actors.

Auditions will be held on:
Singers by appointment only     Sunday 1st June 2pm - 5pm
Actors open calls, at SLT       Wednesday 11th June 8pm
                                Thursday 12th June 8pm
                                Sunday 15th June 8pm

When cast, each character actor will be required at a limited number of rehearsals, singers need to dedicate more time. Rehearsal schedule is available now. For more information or to arrange a singing audition, please email me at knittingcorner@hotmail.com

Script will be available in the bar asap.


I’ll be looking for a cast of 4 singers and up to 32 character actors (including 4 from youth theatre). The actors don’t need to be available for the full 2 month rehearsal period as characterisation will be developed on a one-to-one basis.

Auditions in June 2008, any questions please let me know, knittingcorner@hotmail.com

THE SINGERS (all aged 20+)

Judith - Soprano, sister to Bud

Doug - Baritone (has traditionally been black)

Brian - Tenor, believable as Ray’s friend

Angela - Alto, Claudia’s secretary


Men (16 Characters)

Patrick - M, Fashion designer 30’s 40’s

Billy - M, All-american boy, early 20’s

Mitch - M, Any age, traditionally costumed in leather

Josh - M, clown and leader of a group of friends

Francis - M, gentleman, older 45+

Ray - M, party-animal, believable as Brian’s friend

Orville - M, middle-class ordinary bloke, 30’s 40’s

Nick - M, drop dead gorgeous, youngish

Dwight - M, a chorus-boy, age 18-30

Roscoe - M, a big, old drag-queen

Lamar - M, fast talking drug abuser, any age

Paul - M, strong leading man, age 30+

Nat - M, fire and brimstone orator, age 50+

Bud - M, all-american boy 20’s/30’s (brother of Judith)

Joe - M, a comedian, any age

Miles - M, believable as Doug’s lover

Women (12 Characters)

Wendy - M/F, physically different somehow (ethnic? size? mobility?), 25+

Tracey - F, gorgeous, age 18-30

Rebecca - F, a typical house-wife, 30/40’s

Claudia - F, a high-powered executive any age

Helen - F, a grandmother, 50+

Rafaela - F, a young mother 20’s

Nancy - F, a no-nonsense woman, any age

Sally - F, any age up to around 40

Christine - M/F, older, a drama queen

Joanne - F, strong woman, any age

Bertha - F, working class, age 40+

Grace - F, strong dramatic actor, age 30+

Younger actors (4 characters):

Kimberley - F, age 8 (ish)

Tim or Tina - M/F, energetic, age 14-18

Charlotte - F, drug abuser, age 14-30

Paco - M, teenager, age 14-18



Some review quotes go here


Reminiscences and Anecdotes

Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.

See Also


<references/> From the Wikipedia entry on Elegies: Elegies For Angels, Punks and Raging Queens is a song cycle with music by Janet Hood and lyrics and additional text by Bill Russell. The work features songs and monologues inspired by the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt and Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology. Each of the pieces is written from the perspective of friends and family members dealing with the loss of loved ones to AIDS.<ref>Elegies on Wikipedia</ref>

External Links

Wikpedia entry