A Russian in the Woods (2008)

by Peter Whelan
Directed by Lisa Thomas
Performances: Tue 1st - Sat 5th July 2008, Bell Theatre
The story of an innocent young sergeant posted to guard an empty house in post-war Berlin where there are ghosts in the garden. In one eventful weekend, he is introduced to homosexuality and the possibility that a gay American soldier may be a Russian double agent.
The play is also about the discovery of self by a soldier too young to have fought in World War II and too naive to understand the complexity of a partitioned Berlin. Nobody is what they seem, and in the end it seems to have all been a game: the Cold War was won by those on both sides who most wanted to win it and everyone else was a loser.
- Clive Burns - Matthew Davies
- Pat Harford - Adam Crook
- Sergeant Dilke - Neil Carmichael
- Geoff Wirral - Derek Dempsey
- Ilse Bucher - Olivia Fewster
- Fraser Cullen - Simon Roberts
- Dieter Stahl - James Hough
- Lloyd Jackson - Brendan Murphy
- Stage Manager - Jess Osorio
- Lighting Design - Mike Elliott
- Lighting Operator - Operator Name
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