Camino Real (1974)
From sltarchive
Poster by Poster Designer
Directed by John Anderson
Performances: Sun 07 - Sat 13 July 1974, Bell Theatre
Text about the play
- Don Quixote - Malcolm Saunders
- Sancho Panzo - Lawrence Staig
- Gutman - Arthur Skinner
- Guard - Tony Dunsdon
- Jacques Casanova - Les Lidyard
- Loan Shark - Geoff Kenton
- Bum - Robin Saxon
- Abdullah - Maurice West
- Gypsy - Ann Mattey
- A. Ratt - Edwin Stone
- Rosita - Brenda Sheppard
- Prudence - Brenda Maughan
- Olympe - Rita Toothill
- The Survivor - Jonathon Taylor
- Lady Mulligan - Anna Clyde
- Madrecita - Delia Taitt
- The Dreamer - Bernie Bullbrook
- Nursie - Kate Staig
- Esmerelda - Marjorie Stead
- Kilroy - Robert Holden
- Lord Mulligan - Cliff Nugent
- Streetcleaners - Dave Cooper and John Kennedy
- Baron De Charlus - Geoffrey Keep
- Lobo - A. Little
- Marguerite Goutier - Ruth Shettle
- Lord Byron - Howard James
- Pilot - Geoffrey Shepherd
- Stage Manager - Ray Seaton
- Assistant Stage Manager - Jim Judd
- Design - Bernie Bullbrook and S.Anderson
- Original Music - Colin Sell
- Properties - Christine Crow assisted by Jill Almont
- Sound - Brian Playford assisted by Bob Griggs and Bill Antill
- Lighting - Colin Stokes assisted by Nick Hewitt
- Wardrobe - Iris Lenny assisted by Valerie Westby
- Prompt - Christine Wilson
- Front of House - Frank Howcutt
- Box Office - Jean Warboyes
- Scaffolding by Coventry Scaffolding Ltd
- Sound Equipment by The Magnegraph Recording Co.
- Clipboard by Yorkshire Television
Some review quotes go here
- Photos by B.I.M. Harding
Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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