Jeffrey (2012)

by Paul Rudnick
Performances: Tue 18th – Sat 22th September 2012, Prompt Corner
Jeffrey is in his early thirties, obsessed with sex but only as a means of finding true love. However he is paranoid (sic) by the dangers and consequences of physical contact so he decides to be celibate and find an alternative to sex. At this moment he meets Steve, handsome, fit, sexy 'Mr perfect'. Or is he? Jeffrey's paranoia and hang-ups make him run for the hills and, even worse, contemplate leaving The Big Apple and return(ing) to Wisconsin. This is a play about Jeffrey's journey to confront his demons and face up to being a gay man living in the world of America in the 1990s. We all share the same destination, a fate we have no control over. The paths we take vary and make us the individuals we are - unique and remarkable. Tonight we invite you to join Jeffrey and all our other colourful characters on their journey through the rainbow. BWH.
- Jeffrey - Richard Stowe
- Steve - Steve Brown
- Sterling - Anthony Townsend
- Darius / Man #6 / Gym Rat #3 - Anthony Davis
- Man #5 / Casting Director / Club Man #2 / Tim / Jeffrey's Dad / Gaye - Alan Buckman
- Hostess / Anne / MT / Acolyte #1 / Jeffrey's Mom / Dyke on a bike / Nurse - Elena Christie
- Woman / Deborah / Sharon / Mrs Marcangelo - Annie Hayes
- Man #1 / Salesman / Club Man #1 / Thug #2 / Father Julian / Sean - Daniel Paul
- Man #2 / Gym Rat #2 / Waiter / Acolyte #2 / Angelique - Steve Griffin
- Man #3 / Skip Winkley / Boss Waiter / Don / Thug #1 / Chuck Farling - Philip Gill
- Man #4 / Dave / Father Dan - Matthew Davies
- Assistant Director - Michelle Thomson
- Stage Manager - Kay George
- ASM - Rodney Quinn
- Lighting Design - Gavin Parker
- Music & Sound Design - Gerard Johnson & Barry Heselden
- Choreographer - Michelle Thomson
- Projections - Tom Hancock
- Lighting & FX Operator - Graham Rice
- Fight Director - Anton Krause
- Accent Coach - Lily Ann Coleman
- Scenic Artist - Hazel Hindle
- Set Design - Barry Heselden
- Set Construction - Mark Ireson, cast and crew
- Costumes - Emma Kerby-Evans
- T-shirt Printing - Daniel Hayes
- Props - Rodney Quinn, Alan Buckman, cast and crew.
- Production Photos - Phil Gammon
- Publicity - Anthony Townsend and Jeanette Hoile
- Publicity Photos Tom Hancock
- Trailer - Catherine Phillips
Thanks to:
The Park for rehearsal space, Gary Mack, Jonathan Douglas, Melissa Williams, bar staff, Box Office and FOH staff, Theatre Committee, rep Carole Coyne, cast and crews of Oh What a Lovely War and Eternity Awaits, and extra special thanks to Siobhan, Caroline and John from Henry & Alice. Also thanks to the understanding of partners and families of all involved.
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Reminiscences and Anecdotes
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See Also
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